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INMETRO presents proposal for new Regulatory Model in Brazil

Published in the Federal Official Gazette of Brazil on March 29, a modernized Regulatory Model proposal undergoes public consultation for the next 60 days

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April 16, 2021

Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) set a new proposal to modernize its Regulatory Model, which may be seen in the Public Consultation No. 8. The proposal was published in the Federal Official Gazette (Diário Oficial da União, or DOU, in Portuguese) on March 29, 2021.

The development and construction of the proposal involved more than 20 virtual meetings over the past year, with the participation of representatives from the consumer, manufacturing, and government areas.

Details of the proposal for the new INMETRO Regulatory Model

The new model focuses on the general purpose and scope of the national body, with the objective of establishing more flexible rules and simplifying the registration processes for the manufacturing segment. INMETRO aims to promote more dynamic regulations, following market advances, such as the digital transformation and technological innovations promoted by Industry 4.0.

Some of the changes included:

  • Change prescriptive regulations to regulations based on risk categories or product categories
  • Forecast market surveillance mechanisms, including inspection, and the conformity assessment procedures considered, when applicable and appropriate
  • Seek for regulatory convergence and international harmonization, according to the local needs
  • Strengthen federal security, optimizing market control actions, to prevent noncompliant products from reaching end consumers

In addition, the INMETRO organization covers legal metrology and the regulation of products, processes and services linked to security, human, animal and plant life safety and health, environmental protection, and deceptive trade practices prevention.

Relevant deadlines

The public consultation will be open for 60 days from disclosure in the DOU, during which suggestions and comments may be sent for consideration by INMETRO. The official publication date of the new Regulatory Model has not been determined.

In the proposal, INMETRO established a transition period of five years, so the Brazilian market can adapt gradually.

Helping our customers’ businesses thrive

We are following the proposal made by INMETRO closely, and actively participating in the discussions in the public consultation on the Regulatory Model. We will keep our customers informed and updates of any changes that may impact their business, directly or indirectly.

If you have any questions about the new INMETRO Regulatory Model, please contact us.


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